Welcome to MATcalc ...
The computer-aided simulation of material of device properties has gained permanent importance in almost all industrial areas for several years. For such simulations experimental gained parameters are needed. Whereas the direct calculation of material properties with ab intio methods is new. Using this methods, parameters from experiments are no longer needed. Under Services you will get an overview about the spectrum of our services.
MATcalc is a business division of the AQcomputare. In charge of the establishment have been Prof. Radehaus the former chair of
Festkörper- und Optoelektronik (solid state electronics and optoelectronics) and by the
TU Chemnitz (Chemnitz University of Technology) as well as the
GWT-TUD GmbH (limited liability company). The
Technologie Centrum Chemnitz (Technology Centre Chemnitz) offers a perfect environment for the realization of start-ups in the high technology sector.
An Overview of our services is given in this company flyer.
Your Advantages ...
at a glance are:
- shorter development cycles
- improvement of material properties
- cheapen the development and/or your production
- detailed chemical and physical understanding of your material system
ab initio ...
is a Latin term and means in general "from the beginning".
In science ab initio means for example: A calculation is said to be ab initio (or "from first principles") if it relies on basic and established laws of nature without additional assumptions or special models.
For example, an ab initio calculation of the properties of liquid water might start with the properties of the constituent hydrogen and oxygen atoms and the laws of electrodynamics. From these basics, the properties of isolated individual water molecules would be derived, followed by computations of the interactions of larger and larger groups of water molecules, until the bulk properties of water had been determined.