News ...
[Translate to en:] Erster DAAD-Praktikant hat seinen Aufenthalt erfolgreich abgeschlossen

From 01.Aug 2011 to 15.Dec 2011 we offered a practical training to international students. The exchange was organized by the german organization for forgein students - called DAAD. At the end of the trainee we asked John Rufus...[more]
Next Chance for Exchange Between Physicists nächste Runde - 3. Industriegespräch Chemnitz/Jena

The Industry Talks provide a regional platform for physicists to exchange information about a particular topic. On the third Industry Talk on 23/11/2011, Dr. Matthias Hackert-Oschätzchen from the Chemnitz University of Technology...[more]
Second Industry Talk Chemnitz/Jena at the Technolog And Innovationpark JenaInnovationspark Jena

After the remarkable success of the first Industry Talk in Chemnitz. We want to start in the second round. On the 14th of September Prof. Dr. Roland Sauerbrey of Helmholtz-Centrum Dresden-Rossendorf will talk about The Power of...[more]
New IEEE-Paper Available

Since last week our new IEEE-Paper with the tile „First-Principles Investigation of the Leakage Current through Strained SiO2 Gate Dielectrics in MOSFETs “ is available. IEEE: 978-1-4577-0430-7/11[more]
Successful opening event of the “Industrial Talks Chemnitz/Jena”

The opening event of the “Industrial Talks Chemnitz / Jena” was very successful. The evening started at 17:00 clock in the technology center, Chemnitz (TCC) with the invited talk of "The razor-thin edge: optics for EUV...[more]
Trademark MATCalc in Germany

In the beginnig of january 2011 we recevied pleasant news ...[more]
Dr. Roman Leitsmann is awarded for his dissertation

Our employee Dr. Roman Leitsmann is awarded for the „Nanowissenschaftspreis 2010“ in the category „Junior“ in honour for his dissertation. He wrote his dissertation at the Institute for Solid State Theory and -optics at the...[more]